Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
fraction >C6-C7 | 2.0 µg/sample |
fraction >C7-C8 | 2.0 µg/sample |
fraction >C8-C9 | 2.0 µg/sample |
fraction >C9-C10 | 2.0 µg/sample |
fraction >C10-C11 | 2.0 µg/sample |
fraction >C11-C12 | 2.0 µg/sample |
fraction >C12-C13 | 2.0 µg/sample |
n-heptane | 0.2 µg/sample |
n-hexane | 0.4 µg/sample |
n-octane | 0.2 µg/sample |
n-nonane | 0.2 µg/sample |
n-decane | 0.2 µg/sample |
n-undecane | 0.2 µg/sample |
n-dodecane | 0.2 µg/sample |
Menu A4 - Aliphatics in radiello tubes
Package info
Price: 2.010 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 5
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Method: In-house method, CS2-extract, GC-MSD
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Instruction: Se instruks for prøvetaking av luft med Radiello:
Remarks: Måleusikkerhet (MU) 15 %
Price for sampler Radiello in addition to the price of the analysis.
See instructions for sampling with a low-flow adapter: