Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
PCB 28 34 ng total
PCB 52 34 ng total
PCB 101 34 ng total
PCB 118 34 ng total
PCB 138 34 ng total
PCB 153 34 ng total
PCB 180 34 ng total

PCB-7 in air in adsorption tubes [Menu C1]

Package info

Price: 5.210 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 5
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 1 tube XAD-2 + 1 filter
Method: EN 1948-4
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Measurement uncertainty 16%
See instructions for sampling with XAD-2 tubes in air:
See instructions for sampling with a low-flow adapter: