Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
dry matter % weigh
Ag % weigh
Al % weigh
As, arsenic % weigh
Ba % weigh
Bi % weigh
Br, Bromine % weigh
Ca % weigh
Ce % weigh
Chlorine, Cl % weigh
Co % weigh
Cr, chromium % weigh
Cu, copper % weigh
Fe % weigh
Hg, mercury % weigh
I, Iodine % weigh
K % weigh
Mg % weigh
Mn % weigh
Mo % weigh
Na (sodium) % weigh
Ni, nickel % weigh
Nb % weigh
P % weigh
Pb, lead % weigh
S % weigh
antimony (Sb) % weigh
Se % weigh
Si % weigh
SiO2 % weigh
Sn % weigh
Sr % weigh
Ta % weigh
Te, Tellurium % weigh
Tl % weigh
Ti % weigh
V % weigh
Y % weigh
W % weigh
Zn, zink % weigh
Zr % weigh

XRF analysis in material

Package info

Price: 2.785 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 20 g
Method: EN 15309
Remarks: Måleusikkerhet (MU) 20 %
For an optimal result the sample must be homogenous
For lower LOQ, see link
Lab: GBA