Sample type: Soil, sludge and sediment
Analysis type: Particles/asbestos
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Carbon-rich particles e.g. PP, PE, PS | |
Organic particles e.g. PMMA, PUR, PET | |
Organic particles with silicon e.g. plastic, rubber | |
Organic particles with chlorine, e.g. PVC | |
Organic particles with fluorine, e.g. PTFE | |
Black particles |
Microplastic including black particles in soil, sludge and sediment [A-7c-Plus]
Package info
Price: 7.510 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 25 work days
Discount group: 6
Sample type: Soil, sludge and sediment
Analysis type: Particles/asbestos
Sample amount: 300 g
Container: Glass
Method: Micro-FTIR + pyrolysis GCMS for black particles
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Range: 20 - 500 µm
Lab: ALS Malaysia