Sample type: Soil, sludge and sediment
Analysis type: Radiology
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Biomass Carbon | 11 % |
C-14 | 70 Bq/kg C |
Biomass ratio | 31 % |
C-14 | 25 Bq/kg dry weight |
C-total (total carbon) | 0.1 % dry weight |
Carbon-14 (C-14) by LSC after separation - low limit
Package info
Price: 7.300 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 30 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Soil, sludge and sediment
Analysis type: Radiology
Sample amount: 50 g
Container: Plastic
Method: Suite
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ