Sample type: Water
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
PFOA 0.005 µg/l
PFOS 0.005 µg/l
PFHxA 0.01 µg/l
PFHxS 0.01 µg/l
PFBS 0.01 µg/l
PFNA 0.01 µg/l
PFDA 0.01 µg/l
PFUnDA 0.01 µg/l
PFDoDA 0.01 µg/l
PFTrDA 0.01 µg/l
PFTeDA 0.025 µg/l
GenX 0.02 µg/l
Sum of 12 PFAS (M1) µg/l

PFAS-12, Perfluorinated compounds (PFC) in water, Priority list Miljødirektoratet

Package info

Price: 3.630 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Water
Analysis type: Organic compounds
Sample amount: 100 ml
Container: Plastic
Method: US EPA 537, CSN P CEN/TS 15968
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%, 5 days 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ