Sample type: Food
Analysis type: Microbiology
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Staphylococcus - enterotoxin A-E 1 | Påvist/Ikke påvist |
Staphylococcus - enterotoxin A-E
Package info
Price: 3.230 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Food
Analysis type: Microbiology
Sample amount: 50 g
Container: Original packaging (for products)
Method: Internal method with reference to ISO 19020 and AOAC no. 2007.06
Accreditation: No
Instruction: Sample amount is a general amount of foodstuff. Please take contact for minimum amount
Remarks: Lab: ALS UK
1 Positive result is expressed as detected in 25 gr, and negative result is expressed as <0.25 ng/g