Packages: 13
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Elements / Air/Work environment
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Hg, mercury | 0.02 µg total |
Mercury (Hg) on adsorption tubes [A-6c]
Package info
Price: 925 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 5
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Accreditation: Yes
Instruction: Sampling volume: 2 liters/min for 2 hours
Remarks: See instructions for sampling with XAD-2 tubes in air:
See instructions for sampling with glass fiber filter and XAD-2 tube:
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Cr(VI), Cr6+ | 0.25 µg total |
Cr(VI) on filter [Cr6-F]
Package info
Price: 960 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 5
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Method: EPA 425, ISO 16740
Express: No
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Se instruks for prøvetaking av inhalerbart støv for Cr6:
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Al | 0.5 µg total |
Ba | 0.03 µg total |
B | 0.5 µg total |
Fe | 1 µg total |
Li | 0.02 µg total |
Mo | 0.02 µg total |
P | 10 µg total |
K | 50 µg total |
Se | 2.4 µg total |
Na (sodium) | 10 µg total |
S | 50 µg total |
Te, Tellurium | 0.2 µg total |
Ti | 0.02 µg total |
Sn | 0.1 µg total |
Zn, zink | 1 µg total |
W | 0.04 µg total |
Metals in quartz fiber filter, additional elements[M-10-ADD]
Package info
Price: 1.820 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Method: SS-EN 14385:2004 mod. Digestion: The filter is digested by HNO3/HF/H2O2 in closed teflon vessels in microwave.
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: See instructions for sampling with glass fiber filter and XAD-2 tube:
Price for first element: 550 kroner
Price for each additional element 210 kroner
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Al | 0.1 µg total |
antimony (Sb) | 0.0005 µg total |
As, arsenic | 0.005 µg total |
Ba | 0.01 µg total |
Be | 0.0005 µg total |
B | 1 µg total |
Cd, cadmium | 0.0005 µg total |
Ca | 2 µg total |
Cs, cesium | 0.0005 µg total |
Cr, chromium | 0.01 µg total |
Co | 0.0005 µg total |
Cu, copper | 0.02 µg total |
Fe | 0.2 µg total |
Pb, lead | 0.001 µg total |
Li | 0.01 µg total |
Mg | 0.1 µg total |
Mn | 0.005 µg total |
Hg, mercury | 0.001 µg total |
Mo | 0.0005 µg total |
Ni, nickel | 0.005 µg total |
P | 0.2 µg total |
Pt, Platinum | 0.0005 µg total |
K | 50 µg total |
Se | 0.01 µg total |
Si | 20 µg total |
Ag | 0.02 µg total |
Na (sodium) | 5 µg total |
Sr | 0.5 µg total |
S | 2 µg total |
Tl | 0.0005 µg total |
Th | 0.0005 µg total |
Sn | 0.005 µg total |
Ti | 0.02 µg total |
W | 0.0005 µg total |
U | 0.0005 µg total |
V | 0.001 µg total |
Zn, zink | 0.5 µg total |
Zr | 0.01 µg total |
A-6-ADD Supplementary analytes
Package info
Price: 6.670 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 5
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Price for individual elements: 750 NOK, then 250 NOK per element.
See instructions for sampling with glass fiber filter and XAD-2 tube:
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Hg, mercury |
Mercury, Hg (low LOR) on absorption tubes [A-6c-low Mercury]
Package info
Price: 1.070 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 5
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: See instructions for sampling with XAD-2 tubes in air:
See instructions for sampling with glass fiber filter and XAD-2 tube:
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Attached special report |
Metals (25 Metals) on filter by ICP-AES
Package info
Price: 1.380 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 15 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Container: PVC-filter 37 mm MW
Method: NIOSH 7300/7303 (mod)
Accreditation: No
Remarks: See instructions for sampling with glass fiber filter and XAD-2 tube:
Lab: ALS Salt Lake City
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
I, Iodine | µg/sample |
I, Iodine | mg/m3 |
Iodine in air
Package info
Price: 3.150 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 5
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 1 coal tube
Container: SKC 226-67
Method: NIOSH 6005
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS Salt Lake City
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Hg, mercury | 0.000164 ug/sample |
Mercury (Hg) - by PSA - digestion
Package info
Price: 500 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements > Elements
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 2 workdays, 100% addition. 3 days: 75%, 4 days 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Hg, mercury | 0.000164 ug/sample |
Mercury (per L) | 0.164 µg/l |
Mercury (Hg) - by PSA - emisssion
Package info
Price: 500 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements > Elements
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 2 workdays, 100% addition. 3 days: 75%, 4 days 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Al | 1 ug/sample |
antimony (Sb) | 0.5 ug/sample |
As, arsenic | 0.5 ug/sample |
Ba | 0.5 ug/sample |
Be | 0.01 ug/sample |
B | 5 ug/sample |
Ca | 5 ug/sample |
Co | 0.1 ug/sample |
Cu, copper | 0.1 ug/sample |
Fe | 5 ug/sample |
Pb, lead | 0.5 ug/sample |
Li | 0.5 ug/sample |
Mg | 5 ug/sample |
Mg | 0.1 ug/sample |
Mo | 0.5 ug/sample |
Ni, nickel | 0.5 ug/sample |
K | 5 ug/sample |
Ag | 0.1 ug/sample |
Na (sodium) | 20 ug/sample |
Te, Tellurium | 0.5 ug/sample |
Tl | 0.5 ug/sample |
Sn | 0.5 ug/sample |
Ti | 0.5 ug/sample |
V | 0.5 ug/sample |
Zn, zink | 1 ug/sample |
Metals by ICP-OES-A - digestion - group 1
Package info
Price: 1.200 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Express: No
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
Al | 1 ug/sample |
antimony (Sb) | 0.5 ug/sample |
As, arsenic | 0.5 ug/sample |
Ba | 0.5 ug/sample |
Be | 0.01 ug/sample |
B | 5 ug/sample |
Ca | 5 ug/sample |
Co | 0.1 ug/sample |
Cu, copper | 0.1 ug/sample |
Fe | 5 ug/sample |
Pb, lead | 0.5 ug/sample |
Li | 0.5 ug/sample |
Mg | 5 ug/sample |
Mg | 0.1 ug/sample |
Mo | 0.5 ug/sample |
Ni, nickel | 0.5 ug/sample |
K | 5 ug/sample |
Ag | 0.1 ug/sample |
Na (sodium) | 20 ug/sample |
Te, Tellurium | 0.5 ug/sample |
Tl | 0.5 ug/sample |
Sn | 0.5 ug/sample |
Ti | 0.5 ug/sample |
V | 0.5 ug/sample |
Zn, zink | 1 ug/sample |
Metals by ICP-OES-A - fixation - group 1
Package info
Price: 1.200 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Elements
Express: No
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ