Sample type: Air/Work environment
Analysis type: Particles/asbestos
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
fibers 1 | 0.001 fibre/cm3 |
Asbestos in air - limits National Institute of Public Health [A-2a-FHI]
Package info
2.130 NOK / sample5 work days
Air/Work environment
1200 L
Polycarbonate filter in monitor for SEM, 25 mm
ISO 14966
Yes, Fastest delivery sameday ekspress: 300% addition, 09.00: 200%, 1d: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%, 4d: 30%, 5d: 20%
Se instruks for prøvetaking av abest i luft:
Notify which fiber types are expected in the sample. Regarding asbestos, the asbestos type is identified. The reported value is a sum of all fibres in the sample
Price is for analysis. Additional price for filter.
Lab: ALS Oslo
1 The detection limit changes with the sample volume. Filters with larger diameter has a higher detection limit and are used only when there is much dust in the air
The method is accredited for the filter size Polycarbonate plates for SEM, 25 mm. Other filter sizes give unaccredited results.