Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Analysis of substance: | Report limit: |
As, arsenic | 0.5 mg/kg |
Cd, cadmium | 0.02 mg/kg |
Cr, chromium | 1 mg/kg |
Cu, copper | 1 mg/kg |
Hg, mercury | 0.01 mg/kg |
Ni, nickel | 0.5 mg/kg |
Pb, lead | 1 mg/kg |
Zn, zink | 3 mg/kg |
PCB 28 | 0.002 mg/kg |
PCB 52 | 0.002 mg/kg |
PCB 101 | 0.002 mg/kg |
PCB 118 | 0.002 mg/kg |
PCB 138 | 0.002 mg/kg |
PCB 153 | 0.002 mg/kg |
PCB 180 | 0.002 mg/kg |
sum of PCB-7 | 0.004 mg/kg |
naphthalene | 0.25 mg/kg |
acenaphthylene | 0.25 mg/kg |
acenaphthene | 0.25 mg/kg |
fluorene | 0.25 mg/kg |
phenanthrene | 0.25 mg/kg |
anthracene | 0.25 mg/kg |
fluoranthene | 0.25 mg/kg |
pyrene | 0.25 mg/kg |
benzo(a)anthracene | 0.25 mg/kg |
chrysene | 0.25 mg/kg |
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene | 0.25 mg/kg |
benzo(k)fluoranthene | 0.25 mg/kg |
benzo(a)pyrene | 0.25 mg/kg |
dibenzo(ah)anthracene | 0.25 mg/kg |
benzo(ghi)perylene | 0.25 mg/kg |
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene | 0.25 mg/kg |
sum of PAH-16 | 0.16 mg/kg |
sum of carcinogenic PAH | mg/kg |
benzene | 0.04 mg/kg |
toluene | 0.04 mg/kg |
ethylbenzene | 0.04 mg/kg |
xylenes (o-, m-, p-) | 0.04 mg/kg |
Sum of BTEX | mg/kg |
fraction C5-C6 | 2.5 mg/kg |
fraction >C6-C8 | 7 mg/kg |
fraction C8-C10 | 10 mg/kg |
fraction >C10-C12 | 10 mg/kg |
fraction >C12-C16 | 10 mg/kg |
fraction >C16-C35 | 10 mg/kg |
fraction >C12-C35 | 35 mg/kg |
fraction >C10-C40 (sum) | 70 mg/kg |
Normpack basic w/THC in building materials (BTEX. THC C5-C35, PAH-16, PCB-7, 8 HM.) )
Package info
Price: 2.750 NOK / sampleStd. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 09:00 express
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 60 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 09:00 express: 300% addition, 12.00: 275%, 1 day: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Contact ALS if you need PAH-16 as a 09:00 express
PAH, BTEX and THC are not accredited if you want 09.00 express. If you want accredited results, we can analyze this at another lab, please note the reporting time from other labs.