Packages: 60
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages

Combination packages / Construction material etc.

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.02 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0.2 mg/kg
Cr(VI), Cr6+ mg/kg
Cu, copper 0.2 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0.1 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 0.4 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.004 mg/kg

Concrete package (Metals, PCB, Cr6+)

Package info

Price: 2.670 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 100 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
PCB 28 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.01 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 mg/kg
Chlorinated paraffins 1 påvist/ikke påvist

Chlorinated paraffins + PCB-7 in building materials

Package info

Price: 1.510 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 50 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 09:00 express: 300% addition, 12.00: 275%, 1 day: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
1 If there are positive findings of chlorinated paraffins >1000 mg/kg, a separate analysis of short- and medium-chained analysis can be performed to check whether the sample has to be handled as dangerous waste
The parameter is not accredited.

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
C10-C13 (SCCP) 100 mg/kg
C14-C17 (MCCP) 100 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.01 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.035 mg/kg
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.2 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0.25 mg/kg
Cu, copper 0.3 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.2 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 5 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 1 mg/kg

Paint package (Chlorinated paraffins, PCB-7, heavy metals)

Package info

Price: 5.130 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 30 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 working days, 100% additional. 4 days: 75%
Accreditation: Yes
Instruction: Information regarding paint analysis
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
C10-C13 (SCCP) 1 påvist/ikke påvist
C14-C17 (MCCP) 1 påvist/ikke påvist
PCB 28 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.01 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.01 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.035 mg/kg
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.02 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0.2 mg/kg
Cu, copper 0.2 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0.1 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 0.4 mg/kg

Paint package qualitative (Chlorinated paraffins qualitative, PCB-7, heavy metals)

Package info

Price: 2.420 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 30 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 working days, 100% additional. 4 days: 75%
Accreditation: Yes
Instruction: Information regarding paint analysis
Remarks: Chlorinated paraffins: Detection limit for detected / undetected > 1000 mg/kg

1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
benzene 1 0.04 mg/kg
toluene 1 0.04 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 1 0.04 mg/kg
m/p-xylene 1 mg/kg
o-xylen 1 mg/kg
Sum of BTEX 1 mg/kg
fraction C5-C6 2.5 mg/kg
fraction >C6-C8 2.5 mg/kg
fraction C8-C10 5 mg/kg
fraction >C10-C12 5 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C16 25 mg/kg
fraction >C16-C35 25 mg/kg
fraction C5-C35 (sum) mg/kg
fraction >C12-C35 mg/kg
C17/pristane 0.5 mg/kg
C18/phytane 0.5 mg/kg

Petrol pack for building material [OG-20h]

Package info

Price: 1.540 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 09:00 express
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 50 g
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 09:00 express: 300% addition, 12.00: 275%, 1 day: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
1 The parameter is not accredited.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
benzene 0.005 mg/kg
toluene 0.2 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 0.2 mg/kg
m/p-xylene 0.2 mg/kg
o-xylen 0.2 mg/kg
Sum of BTEX mg/kg
fraction C5-C6 7 mg/kg
fraction >C6-C8 7 mg/kg
fraction C8-C10 10 mg/kg
fraction >C10-C12 10 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C16 20 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C35 50 mg/kg
fraction >C16-C35 30 mg/kg
fraction C5-C35 (sum) mg/kg
C17/pristane 0.5 mg/kg
C18/phytane 0.5 mg/kg

Petrol pack premium - in material samples [OG-20i]

Package info

Price: 1.850 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 50 g
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
C10-C13 (SCCP) 100 mg/kg
C14-C17 (MCCP) 100 mg/kg
dichloronaphthalene 1 50 mg/kg
trichloronaphthalene 1 50 mg/kg
tetrachloronaphthalene 1 50 mg/kg
pentachloronaphthalene 1 50 mg/kg
hexachloronaphthalene 1 50 mg/kg
heptachloronaphthalene 1 50 mg/kg
octachloronaphthalene 1 50 mg/kg
tetraBDE 50 mg/kg
pentaBDE 50 mg/kg
hexaBDE 50 mg/kg
heptaBDE 50 mg/kg
pentaBB 50 mg/kg
hexaBB 50 mg/kg
PFBA 50 mg/kg
PFPeA 50 mg/kg
PFHxA 50 mg/kg
PFHpA 50 mg/kg
PFOA 50 mg/kg
PFNA 50 mg/kg
PFDA 50 mg/kg
PFHxS 50 mg/kg
PFOS 50 mg/kg
PFDS 50 mg/kg
PFOSA 50 mg/kg
FTS-6:2 50 mg/kg
PF-3,7,-DMOA 50 mg/kg
HPFHpA 50 mg/kg
PCB 28 5 mg/kg
PCB 52 5 mg/kg
PCB 101 5 mg/kg
PCB 118 5 mg/kg
PCB 138 5 mg/kg
PCB 153 5 mg/kg
PCB 180 5 mg/kg
2,3,7,8-tetraCDD 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,7,8-pentaCDD 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDD 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDD 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexaCDD 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDD 15000 ng/kg
octachlorodibenzodioxin 15000 ng/kg
2,3,7,8-tetraCDF 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,7,8-pentaCDF 15000 ng/kg
2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDF 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDF 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexaCDF 15000 ng/kg
2,3,4,6,7,8-hexaCDF 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDF 15000 ng/kg
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptaCDF 15000 ng/kg
octachlorodibenzofuran 15000 ng/kg

POPs in materials

Package info

Price: 11.730 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Method: Suite
Express: No
Remarks: Lab: GBA
1 Polychlorinated naphthalenes are not accredited
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.02 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 1 mg/kg
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0.5 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 3 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.004 mg/kg
naphthalene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthylene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthene 0.25 mg/kg
fluorene 0.25 mg/kg
phenanthrene 0.25 mg/kg
anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
chrysene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.25 mg/kg
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
sum of PAH-16 0.16 mg/kg
sum of carcinogenic PAH mg/kg
benzene 0.04 mg/kg
toluene 0.04 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 0.04 mg/kg
xylenes (o-, m-, p-) 0.04 mg/kg
Sum of BTEX mg/kg
fraction C5-C6 2.5 mg/kg
fraction >C6-C8 7 mg/kg
fraction C8-C10 10 mg/kg
fraction >C10-C12 10 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C16 10 mg/kg
fraction >C16-C35 10 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C35 35 mg/kg
fraction >C10-C40 (sum) 70 mg/kg

Normpack basic w/THC in building materials (BTEX. THC C5-C35, PAH-16, PCB-7, 8 HM.) )

Package info

Price: 2.750 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 09:00 express
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 60 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 09:00 express: 300% addition, 12.00: 275%, 1 day: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Contact ALS if you need PAH-16 as a 09:00 express
PAH, BTEX and THC are not accredited if you want 09.00 express. Let us know if you want these accredited, but then the fastest TAT will be 1 WD.
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 1 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.02 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 1 mg/kg
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0.5 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 3 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.004 mg/kg
naphthalene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthylene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthene 0.25 mg/kg
fluorene 0.25 mg/kg
phenanthrene 0.25 mg/kg
anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
chrysene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.25 mg/kg
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
sum of PAH-16 0.16 mg/kg
sum of carcinogenic PAH mg/kg
benzene 0.04 mg/kg
toluene 0.04 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 0.04 mg/kg
xylenes (o-, m-, p-) 0.04 mg/kg
Sum of BTEX mg/kg
aliphatics >C5-C6 2.5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C6-C8 2 mg/kg
aliphatics >C8-C10 2 mg/kg
aliphatics >C10-C12 5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C12-C16 5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C16-C35 25 mg/kg
aliphatics >C12-C35 10 mg/kg
Sum Alifates >C5-C35 20 mg/kg

Normpack basic w/alifates in building materials (BTEX. Alif. C5-C35, PAH-16, PCB-7, 8 HM)

Package info

Price: 2.750 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 09:00 express
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 60 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 09:00 express: 300% addition, 12.00: 275%, 1 day: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Contact ALS if you need PAH-16 as a 09:00 express
PAH, BTEX and Aliphates are not accredited if you want 09.00 express. Let us know if you want these accredited, but then the fastest TAT will be 1 WD.

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.1 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0.25 mg/kg
Cu, copper 0.1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.2 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 1 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 1 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 mg/kg
naphthalene 0.05 mg/kg
acenaphthylene 0.05 mg/kg
acenaphthene 0.05 mg/kg
fluorene 0.05 mg/kg
phenanthrene 0.05 mg/kg
anthracene 0.05 mg/kg
fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg
pyrene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene 0.05 mg/kg
chrysene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene 0.05 mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.05 mg/kg
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 mg/kg
sum of PAH-16 mg/kg
sum of carcinogenic PAH mg/kg
benzene 0.01 mg/kg
toluene 0.03 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 0.02 mg/kg
o-xylen 0.01 mg/kg
m/p-xylene 0.02 mg/kg
sum of xylenes 0.015 mg/kg
Sum of BTEX 0.045 mg/kg
fraction C5-C6 4 mg/kg
fraction >C6-C8 1.5 mg/kg
fraction C8-C10 1.5 mg/kg
fraction >C10-C12 2 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C16 3 mg/kg
fraction >C16-C35 10 mg/kg
fraction >C35-C40 5 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C35 6.5 mg/kg
fraction >C10-C40 (sum) 20 mg/kg

Normpack basic w/THC in concrete (low LOR for PCB), hydrocarbons acc. to Forurensningsforskriften

Package info

Price: 2.750 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 60 g
Container: Rilsanpose eller glasskrukke
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.1 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0.25 mg/kg
Cu, copper 0.1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.2 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 1 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 1 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.007 mg/kg
naphthalene 0.05 mg/kg
acenaphthylene 0.05 mg/kg
acenaphthene 0.05 mg/kg
fluorene 0.05 mg/kg
phenanthrene 0.05 mg/kg
anthracene 0.05 mg/kg
fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg
pyrene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene 0.05 mg/kg
chrysene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene 0.05 mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.05 mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.05 mg/kg
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.05 mg/kg
sum of PAH-16 0.4 mg/kg
sum of carcinogenic PAH mg/kg
benzene 0.01 mg/kg
toluene 0.03 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 0.02 mg/kg
o-xylen 0.01 mg/kg
m/p-xylene 0.02 mg/kg
Sum of BTEX 0.045 mg/kg
aliphatics >C5-C6 2.5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C6-C8 2.5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C8-C10 5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C10-C12 10 mg/kg
aliphatics >C12-C16 10 mg/kg
aliphatics >C16-C35 10 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C35 10 mg/kg
fraction >C5-C35 (sum) 20 mg/kg

Normpack basic w/aliphates in concrete (low LOR for PCB) acc. to Forurensningsforskriften

Package info

Price: 2.750 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 60 g
Container: Rilsanpose
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.02 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 1 mg/kg
Cr(VI), Cr6+ 0.06 mg/kg
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0.5 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 3 mg/kg
Cyanid free 0.4 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.004 mg/kg
naphthalene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthylene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthene 0.25 mg/kg
fluorene 0.25 mg/kg
phenanthrene 0.25 mg/kg
anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
chrysene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.25 mg/kg
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
sum of PAH-16 0.16 mg/kg
benzene 0.04 mg/kg
toluene 0.04 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 0.04 mg/kg
xylenes (o-, m-, p-) 0.04 mg/kg
Sum of BTEX mg/kg
aliphatics >C5-C6 2.5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C6-C8 2 mg/kg
aliphatics >C8-C10 2 mg/kg
aliphatics >C10-C12 5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C12-C16 5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C16-C35 25 mg/kg
Sum Aliphates > C12-C35 10 mg/kg
Sum Alifates >C5-C35 20 mg/kg
g-HCH (lindane) 0.001 mg/kg
o,p'-DDT 0.01 mg/kg
p,p'-DDT 0.01 mg/kg
o,p'-DDD 0.01 mg/kg
p,p'-DDD 0.01 mg/kg
o,p'-DDE 0.01 mg/kg
p,p'-DDE 0.01 mg/kg
monochlorobenzene 0.01 mg/kg
1,2-dichlorobenzene 0.02 mg/kg
1,4-dichlorobenzene 0.02 mg/kg
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 0.03 mg/kg
1,2,3-trichlorobenzene 0.02 mg/kg
1,3,5-trichlorobenzene 0.05 mg/kg
1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene mg/kg
pentachlorobenzene 0.01 mg/kg
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 0,005 mg/kg
dichloromethane 0.08 mg/kg
trichloroethene 0.01 mg/kg
tetrachloromethane 0.01 mg/kg
tetrachloroethene 0.02 mg/kg
1,2-dichloroethane 0.05 mg/kg
1,2-dibromoethane 0.1 mg/kg
1,1,1-trichloroethane 0.01 mg/kg
1,1,2-trichloroethane 0.04 mg/kg
2-monochlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
3-monochlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
4-monochlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3-dichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,4-dichlorophenol 0.04 mg/kg
2,5-dichlorophenol 0.04 mg/kg
2,6-dichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
3,4-dichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
3,5-dichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,4-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,5-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,6-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,4,5-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,4,6-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
3,4,5-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,4,5-tetrachlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
pentachlorophenol 0.005 mg/kg

Normpack standard alifates for building material

Package info

Price: 4.280 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: If there is much organic matter in the sample cleanup could be appropriate.
Lab: ALS CZ and ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.02 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 1 mg/kg
Cr(VI), Cr6+ 0.06 mg/kg
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0.5 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 3 mg/kg
Cyanid free 0.4 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.004 mg/kg
naphthalene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthylene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthene 0.25 mg/kg
fluorene 0.25 mg/kg
phenanthrene 0.25 mg/kg
anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
chrysene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.25 mg/kg
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
sum of PAH-16 0.16 mg/kg
benzene 0.04 mg/kg
toluene 0.04 mg/kg
ethylbenzene 0.04 mg/kg
xylenes (o-, m-, p-) 0.04 mg/kg
Sum of BTEX mg/kg
fraction C5-C6 2.5 mg/kg
fraction >C6-C8 7 mg/kg
fraction C8-C10 10 mg/kg
fraction >C10-C12 10 mg/kg
fraction >C12-C16 10 mg/kg
fraction >C16-C35 10 mg/kg
Sum >C12-C35 35 mg/kg
Sum >C10-C40 70 mg/kg
g-HCH (lindane) 0.001 mg/kg
o,p'-DDT 0.01 mg/kg
p,p'-DDT 0.01 mg/kg
o,p'-DDD 0.01 mg/kg
p,p'-DDD 0.01 mg/kg
o,p'-DDE 0.01 mg/kg
p,p'-DDE 0.01 mg/kg
monochlorobenzene 0.01 mg/kg
1,2-dichlorobenzene 0.02 mg/kg
1,4-dichlorobenzene 0.02 mg/kg
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 0.03 mg/kg
1,2,3-trichlorobenzene 0.02 mg/kg
1,3,5-trichlorobenzene 0.05 mg/kg
1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene mg/kg
pentachlorobenzene 0.01 mg/kg
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 0,005 mg/kg
dichloromethane 0.08 mg/kg
trichloroethene 0.01 mg/kg
tetrachloromethane 0.01 mg/kg
tetrachloroethene 0.02 mg/kg
1,2-dichloroethane 0.05 mg/kg
1,2-dibromoethane 0.1 mg/kg
1,1,1-trichloroethane 0.01 mg/kg
1,1,2-trichloroethane 0.04 mg/kg
2-monochlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
3-monochlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
4-monochlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3-dichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,4-dichlorophenol 0.04 mg/kg
2,5-dichlorophenol 0.04 mg/kg
2,6-dichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
3,4-dichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
3,5-dichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,4-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,5-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,6-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,4,5-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,4,6-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
3,4,5-trichlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,4,5-tetrachlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 0.02 mg/kg
pentachlorophenol 0.005 mg/kg

Normpack standard THC for building material

Package info

Price: 4.200 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: If there is much organic matter in the sample cleanup could be appropriate.
Lab: ALS CZ and ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.02 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0.2 mg/kg
Cr(VI), Cr6+ 0.2 mg/kg
Cr3+ 0.2 mg/kg
Cu, copper 0.2 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0.1 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Zn, zink 0.4 mg/kg
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.004 mg/kg
aliphatics >C5-C6 2.5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C6-C8 2.5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C8-C10 5 mg/kg
aliphatics >C10-C12 10 mg/kg
Sum Aliphates > C12-C35 10 mg/kg
naphthalene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthylene 0.25 mg/kg
acenaphthene 0.25 mg/kg
fluorene 0.25 mg/kg
phenanthrene 0.25 mg/kg
anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
chrysene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene 0.1 mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene 0.25 mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene 0.25 mg/kg
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.25 mg/kg
sum of PAH-16 2 mg/kg

Expanded concrete package acc to avfallsforskriften kap. 14A

Package info

Price: 3.030 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 100 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: Suite
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ and ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Cr, chromium mg/kg dry weight
Cu, copper mg/kg dry weight
As, arsenic mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zink mg/kg dry weight
Hg, mercury mg/kg dry weight
Cd, cadmium mg/kg dry weight
Na (sodium) mg/kg dry weight
Sn mg/kg dry weight
N, Nitrogen % dry weight
S % dry weight
chloride (Cl-) % dry weight
naphthalene mg/kg
acenaphthylene mg/kg
acenaphthene mg/kg
fluorene mg/kg
phenanthrene mg/kg
anthracene mg/kg
fluoranthene mg/kg
chrysene mg/kg
pyrene mg/kg
benzo(a)anthracene mg/kg
benzo(b+j)fluoranthene mg/kg
benzo(k)fluoranthene mg/kg
benzo(a)pyrene mg/kg
dibenzo(ah)anthracene mg/kg
benzo(ghi)perylene mg/kg
indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene mg/kg
sum of PAH-16 mg/kg
sum of carcinogenic PAH mg/kg
Moisture %
particle size distribution 1 %

Return wood package

Package info

Price: 6.730 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Method: Suite
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ og ALS NO
1 Grain size distribution:> 70 mm, 70 - 50 mm, 20 - 50 mm, > 20 mm
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Gross calorific value MJ/kg
Net calorific value MJ/kg
water content %
ash content % dry weight
S % dry weight
chloride (Cl-) % dry weight
Al mg/kg dry weight
K mg/kg dry weight
Na (sodium) mg/kg dry weight
Fe mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zink mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead mg/kg dry weight
N, Nitrogen %
C, Carbon %
H, Hydrogen %
O, Oxygen %

Residual waste package

Package info

Price: 7.260 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Method: Suite
Express: No
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Sulfur total in dry matter 0.1 % dry weight
Sulfur total original 0.1 %
Hydrogen in dry matter 0.1 % dry weight
Hydrogen original 0.1 %
Nitrogen in dry matter 0.1 % dry weight
Nitrogen original 0.1 %
Sulfur combustible original 0.1 %
Ash in dry matter @ 550°C 0.1 % dry weight
Ash original @ 550°C 0.1 %
Gross calorific value in dry matter 0.5 MJ/kg DW
Gross calorific value original 0.5 MJ/kg
Water analytical 0.5 %
Water total 0.5 %
Water gross 0.5 %
chloride (Cl-) 0.002 % dry weight
fluoride (F-) 0.002 % dry weight
Nitrates 0.001 % dry weight
sulfate (SO42-) 0.005 % dry weight
Fixed carbon in dry matter 0.1 % dry weight
Fixed carbon original 0.1 %
Chlorine total in dry matter 0.01 % dry weight
Chlorine total original 0.01 %

Energy package in non-fossil fuels

Package info

Price: 6.050 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Sample amount: 800 g
Container: Plast/glass
Method: Suite
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
pentachlorophenol 0.005 mg/kg
Gross water 0.5 %
Analytical water 0.5 %
Total water 0.5 %
PCB 28 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 52 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 101 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 118 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 138 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 153 0.002 mg/kg
PCB 180 0.002 mg/kg
sum of PCB-7 0.004 mg/kg
Fluorine total in dry matter 0.01 % dry weight
Fluorine total original 0.01 %

Return wood additional package

Package info

Price: 4.840 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Combination packages
Method: Suite
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ and ALS DK