Packages: 39
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements

Elements / Construction material etc.

Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 1 3 mg/kg
Ba 1 0.4 mg/kg
Be 1 0.1 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 1 0.1 mg/kg
Co 1 0.1 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 1 0.2 mg/kg
Cu, copper 1 0.3 mg/kg
Fe 1 10 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 1 1 mg/kg
Mn 1 0.5 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 1 0.2 mg/kg
P 1 5 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 1 mg/kg
Sr 1 0.2 mg/kg
V 1 0.2 mg/kg
Zn, zink 1 1 mg/kg

Metals (16) in construction material, 7M HNO3 digestion [Bygg-I-1c]

Package info

Price: 1.410 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 1 g dry matter
Method: ICP-SFMS acc ISO 17294-1,2 and EPA 200.8. ICP-AES acc ISO 11885 and EPA 200.7. Hg acc ISO 17852
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Analysis of the eight heavy metals is accredited. Se own package for this.
Lab: ALS Luleå

1 LOR varies, depending on matrix
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Cd, cadmium 0.01 mg/kg dry weight
Co 0.03 mg/kg dry weight
Cr, chromium 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Cu, copper 0.3 mg/kg dry weight
Hg, mercury 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
Ni, nickel 0.08 mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
V 0.2 mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zink 1 mg/kg dry weight

Metals (10) in building material, 7M HNO3 digestion [I-2]

Package info

Price: 1.560 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 5 g dry matter
Method: ICP-SFMS acc ISO 17294-1,2 and EPA 200.8. ICP-AES acc ISO 11885 and EPA 200.7. Hg acc ISO 17852
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 2 workdays, 100% addition. 3 days: 75%, 4 days 50%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:

Addition metal to metal package in materials

Package info

Price: 2.300 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Method: depends on main package
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Cr(VI), Cr6+ 0.2 mg/kg

Cr6+ in building material

Package info

Price: 960 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 10 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:

Bromine - total in material samples

Package info

Price: 970 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 50 g
Method: Detected as bromide by IC after combustion
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%, 5 days 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
fluorine total 0.01 %

Fluorine total (combustion) in material

Package info

Price: 1.310 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 50 g
Method: EN 14582, EN 15408
Remarks: Lab: ALS CZ
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
fluorine total

Fluorine total in material samples

Package info

Price: 2.060 NOK / sample
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Method: Sintring
Remarks: Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 0.08 mg/kg dry weight
Cd, cadmium 0.005 mg/kg dry weight
Co 0.005 mg/kg dry weight
Cr, chromium 0.03 mg/kg dry weight
Cu, copper 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Hg, mercury 0.01 mg/kg dry weight
Mn 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
Ni, nickel 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zink 0.2 mg/kg dry weight

Metals (10) in pulp and chips [MF-2]

Package info

Price: 1.520 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 1 g dry matter
Method: ICP-SFMS acc ISO 17294-1,2 and EPA 200.8. ICP-AES acc ISO 11885 and EPA 200.7. Hg acc ISO 17852
Express: No
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al 0.7 mg/kg dry weight
As, arsenic 0.08 mg/kg dry weight
Ba 0.2 mg/kg dry weight
Ca 30 mg/kg dry weight
Cd, cadmium 0.005 mg/kg dry weight
Co 0.005 mg/kg dry weight
Cr, chromium 0.03 mg/kg dry weight
Cu, copper 0.1 mg/kg dry weight
Fe 0.5 mg/kg dry weight
K 200 mg/kg dry weight
Mg 20 mg/kg dry weight
Mn 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
Mo 0.03 mg/kg dry weight
Na (sodium) 50 mg/kg dry weight
Ni, nickel 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
P 50 mg/kg dry weight
Pb, lead 0.04 mg/kg dry weight
Ti 2 mg/kg dry weight
V 0.02 mg/kg dry weight
Zn, zink 0.2 mg/kg dry weight

Metals (20) in pulp and chips [MF-1]

Package info

Price: 1.190 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 1 g dry matter
Method: ICP-SFMS acc ISO 17294-1,2 and EPA 200.8. ICP-AES acc ISO 11885 and EPA 200.7. Hg acc ISO 17852
Express: No
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
dry matter % weigh
Ag % weigh
Al % weigh
As, arsenic % weigh
Ba % weigh
Bi % weigh
Br, Bromine % weigh
Ca % weigh
Ce % weigh
Chlorine, Cl % weigh
Co % weigh
Cr, chromium % weigh
Cu, copper % weigh
Fe % weigh
Hg, mercury % weigh
I, Iodine % weigh
K % weigh
Mg % weigh
Mn % weigh
Mo % weigh
Na (sodium) % weigh
Ni, nickel % weigh
Nb % weigh
P % weigh
Pb, lead % weigh
S % weigh
antimony (Sb) % weigh
Se % weigh
Si % weigh
SiO2 % weigh
Sn % weigh
Sr % weigh
Ta % weigh
Te, Tellurium % weigh
Tl % weigh
Ti % weigh
V % weigh
Y % weigh
W % weigh
Zn, zink % weigh
Zr % weigh

XRF analysis in material

Package info

Price: 2.785 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 20 g
Method: EN 15309
Remarks: Måleusikkerhet (MU) 20 %
For an optimal result the sample must be homogenous
For lower LOQ, see link
Lab: GBA
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic
Au, Gold
Br, Bromine
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cs, cesium
Cu, copper
Ge, Germanium
Hg, mercury
I, Iodine
Ir, Iridium
Na (sodium)
Ni, nickel
Os, Osmium
Pb, lead
Pd, Palladium
Pt, Platinum
Re, Rhenium
Rh, Rhodium
Ru, Rhutenium
antimony (Sb)
Te, Tellurium
Zn, zink

Screening analysis metals, semi-quantiative in building material

Package info

Price: 5.450 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Method: ICP-SFMS
Express: No
Accreditation: No
Remarks: For more information about the analysis, usage and sample amounts, please check Översiktsanalys - info.
The analysis is semi-quantitative and is meant to give a pointer as to which elements are present in the sample. The reporting limits vary depending on matrix.
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 1 0,5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 1 0,02 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0,2 mg/kg
Cu, copper 0,2 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0,01 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0,1 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1.0 mg/kg
Zn, zink 0,4 mg/kg

Heavy Metals in materials (8 metals) [I-1c (I-2 utvalg)]

Package info

Price: 1.560 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: Quick 09:00
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 20 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Method: DS 259:2003+DS/EN 22036:2024 (Hg: DS 259:2003+DS/EN16175-1:2016)
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 09:00 express: 300% addition, 12.00: 275%, 1 day: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
fluoride (F-) mg/kg

Fluoride total in materials

Package info

Price: 2.050 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 2 workdays, 100% addition. 3 days: 75%, 4 days 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: GBA
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Cr(VI), Cr6+ 0.2 mg/kg

Cr6+ in concrete

Package info

Price: 960 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 10 g
Container: Plastic
Method: ISO 15192:2021
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 3 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.05 mg/kg
Co 0.1 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 1 mg/kg
Cu, copper 1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.05 mg/kg
Mn 1 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 2 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
S 100 mg/kg
antimony (Sb) 0.05 mg/kg
V 0.5 mg/kg
Zn, zink 4 mg/kg

Total content elements in waste/building material [TC-1]

Package info

Price: 1.760 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 10 g dry matter
Method: ICP-SFMS
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: More elements can be analysed for an extra fee. Contact us.
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic 1 0,5 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0,2 mg/kg
Cu, copper 0,2 mg/kg

CCA (Cr, Cu, As) in building materials

Package info

Price: 815 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 09:00 Express
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 20 g
Container: Ziplock bag
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 09:00 express: 300% addition, 12.00: 275%, 1 day: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Fe mg/kg dry weight

Iron in soil, addon

Package info

Price: 220 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 10 g
Container: Rilsanpose
Method: DS 259:2003+DS/EN ISO 22036:2024
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al mg/kg

Aluminium in material, addon

Package info

Price: 220 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 5 work days
Fastest response time: 1.09
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 10 g
Container: Rilsanpose
Method: ICP
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 09:00 express: 300% addition, 12.00: 275%, 1 day: 100%, 2d: 75%, 3d: 50%
Remarks: Lab: ALS DK
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Br, Bromine 0.005 % weigh

Bromine with calorimetric digestion and IC measurement

Package info

Price: 3.100 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 5 g
Container: Plastic
Method: DIN 51727 / DIN EN ISO 10304-1
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%, 5 days 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: GBA
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic
Au, Gold
Br, Bromine
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cs, cesium
Cu, copper
Ge, Germanium
Hg, mercury
I, Iodine
Ir, Iridium
Na (sodium)
Ni, nickel
Os, Osmium
Pb, lead
Pd, Palladium
Pt, Platinum
Re, Rhenium
Rh, Rhodium
Ru, Rhutenium
antimony (Sb)
Te, Tellurium
Zn, zink

Quantitative screening, elements in industrial material [S02]

Package info

Price: 7.940 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Method: ICP-SFMS
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: For more information about the analysis, usage and sample amounts, please check Översiktsanalys - info.
The analysis is semi-quantitative and is meant to give a pointer as to which elements are present in the sample. The reporting limits vary depending on matrix.
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
antimony (Sb) 0.05 mg/kg
As, arsenic 1 mg/kg
Ba 0.5 mg/kg
Cd, cadmium 0.1 mg/kg
Cr, chromium 0.2 mg/kg
Co 0.1 mg/kg
Cu, copper 0.3 mg/kg
Pb, lead 1 mg/kg
Hg, mercury 0.2 mg/kg
Mo 0.2 mg/kg
Ni, nickel 0.2 mg/kg
Ag 0.05 mg/kg
Sn 0.5 mg/kg
V 0.2 mg/kg
Zn, zink 2 mg/kg

Metals (15) in waste and construction material, Aqua Regia [M-AR3]

Package info

Price: 2.250 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Sample amount: 1 g dry matter
Container: zip bag
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Price for first element: 500 kroner
Price for each additional element 200 kroner
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Al 10 mg/kg
antimony (Sb) 0.05 mg/kg
Ba 1 mg/kg
Be 0.5 mg/kg
Bi 0.05 mg/kg
B 10 mg/kg
Ca 100 mg/kg
Cs, cesium 0.05 mg/kg
Ga 0.5 mg/kg
Au, Gold 0.05 mg/kg
Ir, Iridium 0.05 mg/kg
Fe 20 mg/kg
Li 1 mg/kg
Mg 50 mg/kg
Mo 0.5 mg/kg
Nb 0.05 mg/kg
Pd, Palladium 0.5 mg/kg
P 50 mg/kg
Pt, Platinum 0.05 mg/kg
K 100 mg/kg
Rb 0.5 mg/kg
Ru, Rhutenium 0.5 mg/kg
Sc 0.1 mg/kg
Se 2 mg/kg
Si 5000 mg/kg
Ag 0.1 mg/kg
Na (sodium) 100 mg/kg
Sr 2 mg/kg
Ta 0.5 mg/kg
Te, Tellurium 0.5 mg/kg
Tl 0.05 mg/kg
Th 0.05 mg/kg
Sn 0.2 mg/kg
Ti 2 mg/kg
W 0.2 mg/kg

Total metal content in construction material, HNO3/HCl/HF digestion addon [TC-1-ADD]

Package info

Price: 1.760 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Container: Plastic
Method: ICP-SFMS
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Additional elements can be ordered for a standard price of 200 per element, with some exceptions
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
chlorine, total % weigh

Chlorine with calorimetric digestion and IC measurement

Package info

Price: 3.100 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Container: Plastic
Method: DIN 51727: 2011-11/ DIN EN ISO 10304-1: 2009-07
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%, 5 days 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: GBA
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
fluorine total % weigh

Fluorine with calorimetric digestion and IC measurement

Package info

Price: 3.100 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 3 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Container: Plastic
Method: DIN 51727: 2011-11/ DIN EN ISO 10304-1: 2009-07
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 3 workdays, 100% addition. 4 days: 75%, 5 days 50%
Accreditation: Yes
Remarks: Lab: GBA
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Br, Bromine 3 mg/kg
Chlorine, Cl 50 mg/kg
Fluorine, F 15 mg/kg
I, Iodine 1 mg/kg

Halogens in material [OE-34]

Package info

Price: 2.450 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 15 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Remarks: Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
As, arsenic
Au, Gold
Br, Bromine
Cd, cadmium
Cr, chromium
Cs, cesium
Cu, copper
Ge, Germanium
Hg, mercury
I, Iodine
Ir, Iridium
Na (sodium)
Ni, nickel
Os, Osmium
Pb, lead
Pd, Palladium
Pt, Platinum
Re, Rhenium
Rh, Rhodium
Ru, Rhutenium
antimony (Sb)
Te, Tellurium
Zn, zink

Quantitative screening, elements in industrial material after digestion [S02-dig]

Package info

Price: 7.940 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 1 work day
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Method: ICP-SFMS
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 1 workday, 100% addition. 2 days: 75%, 3 days: 50%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: For more information about the analysis, usage and sample amounts, please check Översiktsanalys - info.
The analysis is semi-quantitative and is meant to give a pointer as to which elements are present in the sample. The reporting limits vary depending on matrix.
Lab: ALS Luleå
Analysis of substance: Report limit:
Eu mg/kg
Ag mg/kg
Au, Gold mg/kg
Be mg/kg
Bi mg/kg
Ce mg/kg
Cs, cesium mg/kg
Dy mg/kg
Er mg/kg
Ga mg/kg
Gd mg/kg
Ge, Germanium mg/kg
Hf mg/kg
Ho mg/kg
Ir, Iridium mg/kg
La mg/kg
Li mg/kg
Nb mg/kg
Nd mg/kg
Pd, Palladium mg/kg
Pr mg/kg
Pt, Platinum mg/kg
Rb mg/kg
Re, Rhenium mg/kg
Rh, Rhodium mg/kg
Ru, Rhutenium mg/kg
antimony (Sb) mg/kg
Sc mg/kg
Se mg/kg
Sm mg/kg
Sn mg/kg
Ta mg/kg
Tb mg/kg
Te, Tellurium mg/kg
Th mg/kg
Ti mg/kg
Tl mg/kg
Tm mg/kg
U mg/kg
V mg/kg
W mg/kg
Yb mg/kg
Zr mg/kg

Metals in industrial samples [I-2-ADD]

Package info

Price: 1.560 NOK / sample
Std. response time: 10 work days
Fastest response time: 2 work days
Discount group: 1
Sample type: Construction material etc.
Analysis type: Elements
Method: ICP-SFMS
Express: Yes, Fastest delivery 2 workdays, 100% addition. 3 days: 75%, 4 days 50%
Accreditation: No
Remarks: Price for each element: 200 kroner
Lab: ALS Luleå